Monday, August 4, 2008

Yahoo! News: AIDS/HIV


Although there are many weight buy bulk l-alanine products available in the market, they are no match to the herbal weight lutein 5% nutritional supplement products which are made out of natural herbs that have weight loss properties. The best thing about herbal weight loss products is that they have minimum side effects and are highly effective. As a result, more and more people are opting for herbal weight loss products these days.

A very common herb methylsulfonylmethane msm reviews dosages in Ayurvedic medicines is Guggul (Commiphora mukul) which has considerably high cholesterol controlling properties. One can take Guggulu also in combination with Triphala for better results.

Another significant herb for weight reduction is the root of the herb Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). The herbal extract from this root has a characteristic sweet taste. It can regulate blood-sugar levels and also reduces craving for sweets. A cup of licorice if taken everyday for one week out of every month for up to three months, helps to reduce weight tremendously.

Another common herb used as an Ayurvedic weight loss medicine is Triphala (Emblica officinalis). It promotes normal appetite, improves digestion and takes away fats from body. Its antioxidant properties regulate water content in the body and help reduce weight. Similarly, the juice of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) helps reduce weight by improving digestion and cleansing the digestive tract.

The active ingredient that is present in Garcinia cambogia slows down fat production within the body, reduces appetite and also promotes conversion of blood sugar into glycogen instead of converting it into fat.

To seriously lose weight, it is worthwhile to try herbal weight loss products which can be easily found in stores in any part of the world.

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Terminal cancer patients not given chemo info (Reuters)

Reuters - Patients with incurable cancer are often not clearly informed of what they stand to gain from palliative chemotherapy, according to the study results published in BMJ Online First. As a result, British investigators say, patients may lack sufficient knowledge make a decision based on informed consent.

Theres no doubt about it buy bulk caffeine powder researchers have found many, many health benefits associated with green tea. In fact, the results are actually astounding when you consider that this simple beverage has been grown and consumed in Asia for years without us even knowing about it. Once the studies started, the health benefits of green tea could not be denied.

Space in this article prevents us from listing all of the health benefits from consumption of green tea. However, we can give you this brief list for your consideration:

* The antioxidant properties of green tea may help prevent atherosclerosis, particularly coronary artery disease.
* Research shows that green tea lowers total cholesterol and raises HDL ("good") cholesterol in both animals and people.
* Green tea has been used traditionally to control blood sugar in the body. Animal studies suggest that green tea may help prevent the development of type 1 diabetes and slow the progression once it has developed.
* Green tea seems to protect the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances such as alcohol.
* Several population-based studies have shown that green tea helps protect wholesale taurine online cancer. It also helps ease the painful side effects of chemotherapy.
* Green tea also helps prevent the body from rejecting a transplanted organ.

And thats just a few of the health benefits that come from green tea. Without getting too specific, well just mention that it strengthens bones preventing osteoporosis, deters periodontal disease, aids in weight loss, and so much more. Theres no purchase bulk l-alanine with science as all of these green tea health benefits come from extensive studies done over years.

What is most amazing is that the Asians particularly the Chinese have always knows that green tea holds many health benefits. It is, and has been; part of their daily diet and their incidence of death from disease as well as sickness is significantly lower than anywhere in the world. Its truly astounding when you think about it!

Green tea is a natural substance with little to no chemical interactions, so it only goes to follow that there will be some natural health benefits that can follow. For centuries people have been finding healing properties in naturally grown products. It has only been recently that we here in the United States have finally embraced the health benefits of green tea and use it to keep us at the best we can be!

There are many benefits of drinking green tea as you can see, now is your chance to start getting the proper benefits of drinking green tea by getting this new ebook on everything green tea and its benefits. Visit this website to find out more.